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Truth Behind Election Fraud: Forms & Consequences of Electoral Malpractice

The term "electoral fraud" refers to neglectful and unlawful practices or manipulation in the process of elections. It is also known as voter rigging and voter fraud, which involve illegal acts committed by election officials or acts committed by others that jeopardize the reliability and trustworthiness of the voting process. The integrity of elections can be artifact by either boosting a chosen candidate's vote share, lowering the vote share of competing candidates, or both.

In this blog, you will learn about the most common types of electoral malpractice, its consequence, and how you can eradicate this calamitous activity.

Forms of Electoral Malpractices

Fraud in election is always done before, during, and after elections, and security personnel, prominent politicians, election officials, and voters play key roles in this societal catastrophe. These frauds involve assassination, falsification of results, terror, hijacking of voting materials, etc. There are several other forms of election rigging committed exclusively with the goal of influencing election outcomes in a candidate's favor.

___Impersonation at the Voting Polls

Politicians who want to win at any cost do not hesitate to use fake ballots. Impersonation fraud involves underage voting, voting under other people's legitimate identities, voting under fraudulent voter registrations, as well on behalf of registered voters who have passed away or lost their ability to vote.

___Vote Buying

This is the practice of paying or rewarding the public with something in return for their vote. Several pre-eminent politicians perform this activity to win elections and take the charge.

___Fake Manifestos

A program of political parties that describes what they want to achieve for the public if they win the election, is known as Manifestos. Political leaders make fake promises to deceive the masses to get votes in elections.

___Artificial Scarcity of Electoral Materials

Some politicians bribe electoral officials to fabricate a lack or late supply of electoral materials in areas where they feel their opponents have more popularity than them.

___Thugs and Intimidation

Influential politicians hire thugs to intimidate their political rivals and to create havoc at polling stations. This frequently occurs on election day or during visits to political party offices. These thugs occasionally steal ballot boxes.

___Rigging of Election Results

Some dishonest electoral officials may rig the outcomes of elections in favor of their favorite candidate without leaving any evidence of election fraud. They alter or tamper ballots, and election documents, and falsify election returns with the support of party operatives, security personnel, and certain politicians.

What are the Consequences of Election Fraud?

Election malpractices always spread negativity and its consequences can be dreadful for any nation.

The effects and consequences of fraudulent elections involve:

  1. Power goes to the wrong hands: Due to electoral malpractices, power goes to the wrong leaders who are void of character. They rig the election, take control, and then rule the populace according to their own agenda.

  2. Loss of properties and lives: The imposition of candidates on the public destroys the lives and properties of many innocent citizens.

  3. Loss of trust and confidence: Election scams may cause people to lose interest and confidence in politics. People have stopped trusting the government and democracy because of these electoral fraud incidents and the lack of effective or constructive measures.

  4. International Sanctions: If leaders get power through election fraud hearings, other nations can stand against them at any time. They could impose penalties to frustrate them and force them from office.

  5. The intervention of the Military: Military intervention might happen as a result of electoral rigging. Martial forces regularly ascend to positions of authority under the pretense of restoring the nation's order and peace.

Which Steps Can Be Taken to Ensure Free and Fair Elections?

Elections must be a free expression of the will of the people in order to be contemplated as credible. To ensure the integrity of elections, they must be open, fair, responsible, and transparent.

Being citizens of a great nation, everyone should contribute to preventing election malpractices. Following are the preventive measures you can take:

  • There should be an avenue of awareness on voting procedures and penalties for electoral fraud.

  • The voters must follow the laws guiding elections.

  • The main goal of the State Board of Elections is to encourage greater participation and understanding of the political process.

  • There must be fewer allowances and salaries for politicians to avoid the people from seeking political positions for their own interests.

  • The state should ensure strict punishments for voter rigging to serve as a discussion for others.

  • Poling agents must carry out their job fairly and avoid interest in electoral materials and practices.

  • There must be fair justice for election malpractice to prevent people from going into it.

  • The election judges should be representatives of authority in the voting area on election day.

Want to know more about election fraud and voter rigging? The Trump-DeSantis feud: is there anything more to it? To get your answers and a lot of interesting stuff, watch our Friday Night Live on RISE TV.

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